
Get to know our NuMi Partners: Meet Clyre

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Updated 3rd September 2024

Meet Clyre

In each of these journal entries, we want to give you the opportunity to get to know our partners a little better. Each of our NuMi partners bring, not only their professional skill, but also a unique perspective on what it means to be a healthier, happier you. 
Clyre’s journey into holistic healing is deeply rooted in her lifelong connection to nature and a passion for nurturing both body and soul. With a background in nursing and extensive experience in complementary therapies, she brings a unique blend of traditional knowledge and alternative practices to her work. We’re delighted to introduce Clyre, whose commitment to reducing stress and restoring balance in her clients’ lives is at the heart of her healing approach at NuMi.

A Journey Rooted in Connection and Healing
Clyre’s story begins in Reading, but she grew up in the serene surroundings of Bath, in a hardworking and thoughtful family. While her family leaned towards logical, scientific thinking, Clyre was always more attuned to the intuitive and emotional aspects of life. From an early age, she sensed that there was more to the world than what could be seen, feeling a deep connection to nature and animals. As a child, she instinctively practised healing on her pets, guided by an inner belief in the power of touch. This love for nature eventually expanded into a fascination with the Moon, planets, and the influence of astrology and moon cycles on our lives.

Nursing: A Catalyst for Lifelong Learning
After completing her A Levels, Clyre spent a gap year in Sweden as an au pair, where she discovered the invigorating health benefits of saunas and cold water dips. She then pursued Nurse Training at Southampton University College of Nursing and Midwifery from 1992 to 1995. This period was transformative for Clyre, igniting her lifelong interest in health and well-being. Her nursing education exposed her to a broad spectrum of human experience, covering sociology, psychology, and physiology, and included diverse placements across various specialities. It was here that Clyre’s curiosity deepened, particularly in human psychology and the broader, interconnected causes of dis-ease. She began to see health not just as a physical condition but as something deeply linked to an individual’s life story and even their ancestry.

Exploring Alternative Healing
During her nursing years, Clyre’s interest in alternative medicine and holistic healing grew. She earned a Massage Practitioner qualification in London and immersed herself in literature on spiritual growth, alternative therapies, and holistic health. Books like The Celestine Prophecy, The Alchemist, and works by Carolyn Myss and Deepak Chopra resonated deeply with her, reinforcing her belief in the connection between mind, body, spirit, and nature. In 1997, she completed a Natural Nutrition Course in London, which became a pivotal moment in her understanding of health and healing, particularly the idea that everything originates somewhere and can only change, not disappear.

A Shift Towards Complementary Therapies
After working in an HIV/AIDS and STD clinic at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Clyre realised that mainstream nursing was becoming increasingly limiting for her. She sought a more empowering approach to patient care, which led her to the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, where she worked as a Complementary Therapy Nurse Practitioner. Here, she delved into vibrational medicine through homoeopathy and flower essences, and also completed her Reflexology training and Reiki levels 1 and 2. Her work at Charing Cross Hospital’s Oncology Department, providing complementary therapies to cancer patients, reinforced her belief in the healing power of massage and reflexology.

Meet Clyre

A New Chapter in Norfolk
In the summer of 2019, Clyre relocated to Norfolk with her family, seeking a fresh start after the intense health challenges of the previous years. This move marked the beginning of her own small therapy business, Back To You. However, life had more tests in store. In 2022, her relationship with her children’s father ended, largely due to the stress of the previous years. Then, in February 2023, she faced a health scare following a routine mammogram, leading to a three-month journey of biopsies and hospital visits. After a lumpectomy, she chose to forgo further treatment, trusting in her body’s ability to restore balance. Instead, she opted for homoeopathy, acupuncture, and counselling, believing in the importance of understanding the deeper reasons behind her health challenges.

Reconnecting with Self-Care
Following her recovery, Clyre received the all-clear in May 2023, which reinforced her commitment to self-care. She now takes time to breathe, relax, and enjoy life, whether walking her beloved dog Buzz on the beach, spending time with friends, or simply being present in the moment. These experiences have deepened her understanding of the need to reduce stress in the physical, mental, and emotional body, allowing energy to flow freely and supporting the body’s natural healing processes.

Want to book in with Clyre?
Offering a range of holistic and complementary health therapies, please click the button below to sign up and book your first session with Clyre.

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