
Snacks are not the Enemy: Your Body and Blood Sugar

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Updated 9th September 2024

Snacks. Your body and blood sugar

Snacking isn't the enemy! Discover how healthy snacks can help stabilise your blood sugar levels and keep your energy stable throughout the day. Our latest article quizzes our in house expert Sarah and shares a few of our favourite nutritious snack ideas.

In a hurry? Here's all you need to know:

  • Snacking, when done right, can help keep your blood sugar balanced and prevent energy drops, rather than causing weight gain or unhealthy habits.
  • Choosing snacks high in protein, fibre, and healthy fats can keep your metabolism steady, stop you from overeating at meals, and maintain your energy throughout the day.
  • Good snack options can be quick and simple to make, read on for two of our favourites.
  • Healthy snacks help avoid sudden spikes and drops in blood sugar, which often happen with sugary snacks, keeping your energy steady and reducing mood swings and hunger.
  • Eating the right snacks, as suggested by nutrition expert Sarah, helps control meal portions, keeps your energy balanced, and leads to better food choices for overall health.

Read on for recipe recommendations and snacking top-tips with Sarah…

Healthy snacks

The Truth About Snacking: Fuelling Your Body the Right Way

Snacking often gets a bad reputation, but the truth is, healthy snacks can play a crucial role in maintaining balanced blood sugar levels and preventing those dreaded energy dips. In this blog, we’ll debunk the myth that all snacking is detrimental and show you how strategic, nutritious snacks can support sustained energy and overall health. Discover how incorporating the right snacks into your diet can keep you energised and feeling your best throughout the day.

1. The Science of Snacking: Understanding Its Impact on Your Body

Many people believe that snacking inevitably leads to weight gain and unhealthy eating habits. However, research shows that consuming the right kinds of snacks can actually help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent that afternoon energy crash. By choosing snacks that are rich in protein, fibre, and healthy fats, you can keep your metabolism steady, avoid overeating at mealtimes, and maintain a more consistent energy level throughout the day.

2. Examples of Nutritious Snacks: Fuel for Sustained Energy

Here are some delicious and nutritious snack options that support sustained energy and overall health:


Healthy snacks

NuMi Pea-camole

This tasty spread or dip is packed with protein from fresh peas, healthy fats from avocado, and B vitamins from nutritional yeast to support with energy during the day. The addition of garlic and lemon not only enhances flavour but also boosts the dish's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Recipe Here → 

Carrot Cake Bites

These tasty snacks help you get that taste of something sweet without the addition of refined sugars, so they are ideal for those who are looking to reduce their sugar intake.  It’s packed with fibre from oats, carrots and flaxseed while also providing you with healthy fats and protein, essential for maintaining energy levels and supporting muscle repair. 

Recipe Here → 

Meet Sarah

The Benefits of Strategic Snacking with Sarah

Our partner and nutrition expert, Sarah, shares insights on how strategic snacking can be an essential part of a balanced diet: "Healthy snacks that combine protein, fibre, and healthy fats can slow down the absorption of sugar into our bloodstream. This is important because it provides us with a steady release of energy instead of a big rush, which is typical when snacking on something like an afternoon chocolate bar or biscuits. The reason we experience this rush is due to the high levels of refined carbohydrates (AKA sugar!) in these snacks, which cause a rapid spike in blood sugar. However, this is followed by a fast drop in blood sugar levels, as the pancreas works overtime to release insulin to remove the excess glucose from our blood. This drop often leaves us feeling more tired than before, triggering mood swings and increased hunger.

By choosing healthier snacks, we can prevent these large blood sugar spikes and dips, ensuring that our energy levels remain steady. This helps to regulate our appetite and keeps us feeling more balanced and happier throughout the day. Snacks rich in protein and fibre, and low in refined sugars, saturated fat, and salt, also help keep us fuller for longer. This means we’re less likely to reach dinner time feeling ravenous, which can lead to overeating and poor food choices that don't contribute to our short- and long-term health.

Strategic snacking supports portion control, especially important at dinner when we often eat a larger meal and then settle down for the evening. By spreading our nutrient intake across three meals and one or two snacks, we ensure that our bodies receive a steady supply of energy throughout the day. This approach helps maintain our physical and mental performance while providing all the essential nutrients needed for optimal health."

Things to Take Away

Healthy snacking is not only beneficial but can also be a key component of a balanced diet. By selecting nutritious snacks, you can maintain stable blood sugar levels, avoid energy crashes, and support your overall well-being. Embrace strategic snacking and experience the positive impact it can have on your health.