Why become a NuMi Friend?

If you're looking for flexibility to pick & choose the services you want to get involved with, then the NuMi Friend membership is for you. For a small monthly fee, you get access to our fantastic space and the chance to book consultations and activities you want to take part in.

NuMi Friend

When you buy any of our services and pay-as-you-go, you automatically become a NuMi Friend, gaining access to these exclusive benefits

  • Access the NuMi services you want and pay as you go
  • Free bookable hot-desking
  • New recipe launches
  • NuMi specialist events
  • Regular NuMi knowledge content

If you’re experiencing specific symptoms or need more regular support, you may be better suited as a NuMi Member

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Honestly great experience, learning how to cut through the supermarket ingredient bullsh*t, the balance required and the imbalance currently in my diet. Fully behind trying to make these lifetime changes and hopefully I stick to it. Haven’t felt bloated since the trial and feel much more comfortable.

NuMi trial participant

A NuMi Membership offers the ongoing support you deserve

Consider becoming a full member and you'll get access to better value pricing, ongoing 1-2-1 consultation support and an included monthly class pass.